
When we look at the state of modern technology, we see a similar fate for DevOps as we do for Agile. In Agile we have seen the Agile community and organizations not understand the difference between change and transformation, this has caused many to conflate frameworks such as Scrum and Kanban with Agile. Not understanding that one is a change, and the other is a transformation dooms you to almost certain failure. In the DevOps world we have seen the same issue with practitioners and organizations conflating tools and the deeper cultural and strategic reasons behind DevOps.

When transitioning to a modern technology concept like DevOps we need to be very clear that it is, first, a cultural shift, and then a process and organizational shift. But all of those shifts must take place in a fashion that goes beyond paying lip service to the fundamental ideas of DevOps. If you’re considering DevOps simply because “it’s the future” or as a means of keeping up with the Joneses, rather than out of a desire to fundamentally rebuild and improve your business processes, success is highly unlikely.

Remember that any modern technology concept like DevOps takes time and effort, requires strong leadership and advocacy, and must be measured in a way that’s compatible with your organization’s goals.

In the modern technology learning path, we take a comprehensive look under the covers at all aspects of modern technology. The modern technology learning path is for anyone who would like to develop a systemic understanding of the why, what and how of modern technology.

These are a few of the themes we cover in the Modern Technology Learning Path.
